Do You Feel Like This Sometimes?

  • I am my own worst enemy

  • I don't like who I am

  • I battle with feelings of fear, guilt, and shame

  • I present an image that I know isn't true

  • I don't let others know the real me

  • I hate the way I think and feel

  • I know the promise of an abundant life, but I'm not living it

  • I am a believer but I secretly wonder how God could love me

It Doesn't Have To Be This Way!

Through RESTORED You Will....

R-elationship - Discover the "Cycle of Love", and how to overcome 2 major blocks that hinder a real relationship with God and yourself.

E-nemy - Disclose the identity of your true enemy. It's NOT You!

S-eparation - Understand the "game-changing" truth that is key to your ability to walk in true freedom!  

T-houghts - Reveal the source of your thoughts and how to practically take them captive.

O-bedience - Unlock the power of choice and discover it's inescapable outcome.

R-epentance - Implement a practical process that will produce true transformation.

E-xercise - Commit to the process, detach from the outcome and be amazed at your results.

D-oorpoints Discover why you are the way you are, and what to do about it!

Take A Look Inside!

30 minute Introduction and Overview

What's Inside?

    1. Restored: Introduction Notes

    2. Restored: Introduction Video

    1. RESTORED: Chapter 2 - Enemy Notes

    2. Restored: Lesson 2 - Enemy Video

    1. RESTORED: Chapter 1 - Relationships Notes

    2. Restored: Lesson 1 - Relationships Video

    1. RESTORED: Chapter 3 - Separation Notes

    2. Restored: Lesson 3 - Separation Video

    1. RESTORED: Chapter 4 - Thoughts Notes

    2. Restored: Lesson 4 - Thoughts Video

    1. RESTORED: Chapter 5 - Obedience Notes

    2. Restored: Lesson 5 - Obedience Video


  • $47.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

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The Word On The Street!

Jamie's Testimony

Jamie H.

Before "Restored" I was very angry and had a quick temper. This teaching taught me how to recognize what was happening inside my head and that the thoughts I was having weren't original to me. The Restored teaching, along with other truths presented by this ministry, has freed me to live a life of repentance. To recognize where I am in disagreement with God, take ownership of my thought patterns and actions, and remove the faulty patterns of thinking. You need the understanding that comes from this truth. My relationship with God, myself, and others is forever changed because of this.

Keith's Testimony

Keith L.

I am more cognizant of whose voice I'm listening to and separating myself from the enemy's voice. Prior to the Restored series, I didn't work as hard to "bring every thought captive and into obedience to Christ". As a Christian husband, father, and pastor, I have referred dozens of people to the RESTORED Series. I don't mind counseling people, but this series is foundational to any and all successful counseling. Even if they don't access the series, they will hear me use what I've learned from it personally.

Ray's Testimony

Ray C.

Before the Restored Series: I thought any unGodly thoughts I had were an indication of something wrong with me or my failure to be a better Christian. After the Restored Series: I now better understand the Spiritual Battle going on in my mind and how to fight the enemy to have a Christ-Like Mind. Life Saving! Like catching a breath of air when you feel you are about to suffocate under the pressures of fear and hopelessness! Life Changing! Like going from fighting blindfolded to having it removed from your eyes and being shown the weapons you need to fight for the life God wants you to have!

John's Testimony

John B.

Foundational truth! Everyone can benefit from these teachings. We all have a past and Restored gives you the tools to address hurts, wounds, and the many disappointments we have in life. Restored helps you discover the real you! We all have dreams of being Superman. But many live well beneath their dreams. Hurts, and disappointments, are all dream killers. Clark Kent had a phone booth that led to the transformation of Superman. I believe the Restored teaching has this ability. To mend the broken areas of our lives and lead us into victory!

Mike's Testimony

Mike C.

If you really want to change and grow deeper in Christ I challenge you to take this teaching. You already know it deep down now learn how to apply it in your walk to grow closer to Him. You won’t regret it!

John's Testimony

John N.

It is a real eye-opener and makes you look at God in a different way. Restored is a really great way to connect and understand God and also to get past the problems you have been dealing with or holding on to. Mitch is a very good speaker and teacher. He has put together this material that has really helped me as a person.

Ken's Testimony

Ken B.

Before, I turned to alcohol, now I turn to Daddy when things are not going the way I would like them to. It’s a renewed way of thinking about God and how He views you. It also helps you realize how bad Satan is on your heels trying to destroy you. You have a constant battle every day and Restored really helps you put life into perspective and fight the battles of life every day.

Caleb's Testimony

Caleb D.

The teaching on Father God changed me and my outlook on my relationship with my Father. I viewed my Heavenly Father as my earthly father, as someone I couldn’t please, and someone that “had” to love me. I was defeated from the lies of the enemy and fighting myself. I learned about spiritual warfare and that’s when I began to take back what Satan had stolen.

A Bit About Me!

Mitch Griffin

It’s not me! I was a burned out, mental case of a pastor, sitting in a spiritual workshop, when this revelation hit. The constant, crippling, internal conflict that I had struggled against for decades suddenly lost it’s hold on me. The thoughts, feelings, and impressions that had ruled my life had just been revealed for what they were, lies from my enemy. They were not original to me! I had heard and could quote the Scriptures, “Take every thought captive”, and “We wrestle not against flesh and blood”, among many others. However, suddenly, the spiritual truths I had known all meshed together and formed a framework of truth and application that produced a freedom I had only dreamed possible. That is the moment Restored Coaching and Consulting was born. It would take 12 years and countless hours of prayer, study and application to come to fruition, but the vision was born that day. Walking in unbelievable freedom, I could not help but share what I had learned with others. My freedom became their freedom. I continued to share and people continued to be set free. This is my mission.

A No Brainer Guarantee!

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RESTORED is a game changer!  The truths contained in RESTORED dramatically changed my life.  I'm sure they can do the same for you.  In fact, I am willing to bet on it, so you can see it for yourself.

Try the entire course. If you don't see results, I insist that you get 100% of your money back.

I'll even eat the credit card processing fees!

It's simple. Purchase the course and give it all you've got. View the entire course, complete the accompanying workbook, and thoughtfully engage with the reflection questions.

If the truths contained in RESTORED don't help improve your life in 90 days, I want you to contact me. Show me you did the work, and I'll give you all your money back, along with a free 1-1 coaching session by Zoom or phone ($100 Value).

What have you got to lose? Give it a shot! Come on, get started now!

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